GUIDELINES FOR The Moving Festival: Artivism
Deadline for submission of full application:
23RD DECEMBER 2022 – @17:00 Tirana Local Time
MasterPeace, Stichting art.1, ACT for SOCIETY and OMSA conjointly announce the open call for THE MOVING FESTIVAL: ARTIVISM, funded by the European Delegation in Albania (IPA/2020/421-822).
Grantees must organize a training in artivism (led by a Dutch trainer), complete a series of artivism creations, and articulate the moving exhibition these artivism productions in a series of art spaces throughout Tirana, ideally reaching different audiences through their location. Applicants will act as drivers and facilitators between the involved parties (project team, artivism makers, and venues), as well as the delivery of the final result and respective communication and dissemination actions.
The action must be implemented between 15 JANUARY 2023 – 31 MARCH 2023
You can apply for a maximum of €5,000 (including all costs)
This open call for GRANTS is announced under the Artivist Stafete project.
Successful applicants must comply with the following:
- Follow (online) training by a Dutch artivism expert with min. of 8 participants
- Create 8 artivism products related to the thematic topics of the project
- Print minimum 8 artivism products
- Organize exhibitions in 5 different art spaces
- Grantees must lead visibility and dissemination actions designed to reach key, relevant audiences coherent with the Artivist Stafetë project’s aims, these must include but not be limited to campaigning and social media presence.