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“Healthy environment, human right”, addressed the resolution of the United Nations, which raised environmental protection to another level.
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“Talking about sexuality”, focusing on the importance of handling these topics by young people.
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“A screening that saves lives”, focused on cervical cancer awareness and the right to health care.
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 “Being a miner’s wife – Brought the experiences of a woman who lives every day with the fear of accidents in the mine, conveying the message of guaranteeing rights at work.
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“Economic empowerment of women” – A ‘tool’ that helps guarantee women’s rights in society.
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“Gender discrimination on property”- A reality that many women and girls experience today, a right that often remains on paper
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“The art of doing business, the model of success” brought the story of Ana Ngjeqari, a young girl who turned her passion for crafts into a profitable venture.
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“Early marriages” – A phenomenon that is unfortunately still present.

Short Movies

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“Porta me ferra” – A film about the departure of young people and the emptying of Dibra.
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“Majlinda në ‘odën’ e burrave” – A film about the resistance of a woman, who broke the mentality and stereotypes of the area, to protect Dibra from the construction of the Skavica hydropower plant.
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“DuarArt” – A documentary film about the Dibra lace entrepreneurship and the model of a woman who has employed 15 women from the area.
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